Monday, March 30, 2009


I'm tired at the moment. Very tired. I had a great time at SkipNorth but it was non-stop action, three nights of unfamiliar beds, lots of talking and though the food was fine it wasn't quite what I'd be eating at home and my innards, it seems, are getting fussier with age. At least though I didn't have to drive there and back...thanks, Natalie!

But in short I ended up at the start of last week dead tired, bunged up and with some sort of low grade opportunistic bug that made me feel a bit wabbit. No, scratch that. Very wabbit. Add to that seven loads of laundry (how can three people generate seven loads of laundry in four days???), the general backlog of housework and the sense of anticlimax that always comes after a fun trip away and...well, not a good week at all.

I am still tired. I even went back to bed a couple of times in the morning after I'd seen the kids off to school but then the clocks changed at the weekend, didn't they, and I ended up having to get up at what my body thought was 5.30am on Sunday in order to get the kids organised and off to swimming club. Bah.

And it's been bright and sunny, but with arctic gale winds ie it looks like a nice day for the allotment, but it's bloody cold and downright miserable when you get up there.


I am off to B&Q to buy some potting compost. At the very least I can do the non-strenuous task of starting off the tomato seeds, I suppose!


Anonymous said...

My innards have gotten more particular with age as well. I guess that's just part of life. I'm glad you had a good time otherwise.

Helen said...

I'm always amazed by the washing too. I'm on my own and don't exactly have a different outfit on every day, and yet the washing machine sems to be always on and the airer is always bedecked with wet stuff.

It's not surprising you're tired; you've had a tough couple of months and going back to bed now and again probably isn't a bad idea. Be careful with yourself.

Wye Sue said...

Snap :-(
I thought it was just me... and I haven't even thought about starting seeds off...

KarenE said...

The tomatoes have been neglected again this year - maybe next week. It took me 2 evenings to get the house back to its usual state of chaos (it was even worse), and a week for DH to stop being grumpy at being left on his own for non work-related travel.

Daisy said...

Hope you feel better soon. That's a seriously scary washing feat!