Here's a picture of the allotment. No, I have not been working up there over the holidays! I can't even get the produce out the ground. I just went up to get a better snow shovel from the hut.

This is the pond. No, I didn't try walking on it to see if the ice was solid!

On the knitting front, I have been knitting hats. The family is now kitted out in a trio of earflap hats...Lad's you've seen, Princess has one in a very bright turquoise and even OH is sporting one (complete with dangling braids and pom-pom) in the local rugby club colours. He's taken it to wear today though, so no picture.
And, in keeping with the weather, I have started to knit a blanket.

I bought a lot of RYC Soft Tweed in various colours at a dirt cheap price a couple of years back but then couldn't find the right pattern for it. I did try a cardigan and then a hat, but the resultant fabric always looked like wool blankets to me. Finally though the penny dropped...why not make it into a blanket then? So then I tiddled around a bit with the thought of cable patterns etc, until I realised that really, with this stuff the simpler the better. So I've sized it so that one ball = one square, alternate squares of Thistle and Slate Blue, put a garter stitch/reversed stocking stitch border round the edge of each square and am knitting it in strips, five squares to a strip and four strips across to give minimal sewing up. As I'm using 7.5mm needles it's knitting up really quickly and it's going to be cosy, cosy, cosy. The squares are 13"x13", so twenty balls/squares will give me a good sized blanket.
The cats don't like the cold weather. I am mean so I turn the central heating off during the morning and early afternoon, normally, and this means they don't have too many cosy corners to cloose from then. During the night time they usually come and sleep with Hubby and I, or lad, but during the day the warmest spot in the house is the platform bed in the study. The heat from the PCs rises up there and makes the temperature just about tolerable for pampered cats.

Good Morning! I find you from my search for knitting shops in Edinburgh, first found gourdongirl, which lead me to you (she had a link on her blog to you). I am traveling to Scotland next week, I was hoping to find a knit/yarn shop either in Edinburgh or Glasgow...are there any? Thanks for any help!
Your Oliver reminds me of my Jaspurr who went missing one month ago today. Good to see your kitty warm & safe:)
I was on the verge of dropping you a line to see if you'd run away, and here you were, knitting blankets. I expect the cats can't wait for you to be finished. Happy New Year :)
I'm reading your Post to keep cool here. Just viewing the pictures of snow are making me feel better. it's 28 degrees C downstairs, about 33 upstairs and outside has got to be higher still.
The dogs are sitting in front of the fan, or the bathroom tiles trying to get cool.
You reminded me that I need to start knitting a baby blanket for friend;s grandchild number 3 but I just can't face knitting wool in this heat. I do have some merino bamboo that I could have a go with, and actually that's not a bad idea for a baby blanket!
The blanket is lovely and the cat picture is soooo cozy!
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