Thursday, March 12, 2009

Shoot me...

Really, just shoot me now. The new Knitty is up and the white version of the Aeolian Shawl has caught my eye.

I keep looking at it and thinking...1100 yards? That's the same yardage as three pairs of socks. Three months max....


I take the sock knitting with me everywhere and do a few rows here, a few rows there. One pair of socks per month, just out of odds and ends of time and no looking at the pattern. I don't think this shawl would be quite the same. Plus, it's taken me three Forest Canopies just to get the pattern reliably into my head and I still make the odd mistake. I can reliably count no higher than a six stitch repeat, it seems, over a couple of hundred stitches. Maybe. I don't think this shawl woulld be quite as simple as that, would it??????

I just asked Lad if I should try and knit it. He looked and said "Why not? It might take you a few years though...."

Too true.

Ah well.

PS. In response to a comment made in my last post by Cynthia A., no, I couldn't put in another flyer hook, alas. I'd have no hesitation on some wheels but this one does not belong to me. It's on loan to our spinning group and basically I'm the only person there who's into weird wheels, so it's living with me at present. Also the flyer arms are cylindrical and would be difficult to drill, and it's such a beautiful wheel anyway I wouldn't want to disfigure it. I do think though that a second row of offset hooks on the opposite flyer arm would improve the wrap-on considerably and may comment on this to the current maker, if I'm in touch with him for any other reason.


Anonymous said...

well, if you think that Princess might one day be wanting a wedding shawl...
that'd give you more time to make it!

Linda said...

It's a beautiful shawl! Go for it!

gayle said...

The same shawl caught my eye. Go for it! I'm going to... 8)

Kari Gibson said...

Gulp! It looks lovely. Do it, you know you want to!

Oh, dear, now I want to too!