Friday, March 27, 2009

You have to laugh...

I was told about spinning wheel cup holders by an American attendee at SkipNorth. I thought she was having me on. Apparently not. Look here....

Well......I can think of a few modifications I would like to make to some of my wheels but it's never occurred to me that I need to have quite such easy access to caffeine or alcohol while spinning. No wonder some folk can spin so fast!


Minerva said...

Well, I suppose it'd enable me to knock coffee over the wheel, fibre and carpet in one go rather than simply kicking over the mug when it's on the floor :-)

rho said...

never ever doubt Sheila - EVER!! hehehe

She is also a great knitting instructor ;)

Rosie said...

Hmm, must get my husband to work on making one for the Sonata...

KarenE said...

I have a table at the side of the spinning chair - does much the same job, but can also hold biscuits/chocolate/other essentials.

Anonymous said...

a martini! while spinning. that might have encouraged me to take it up after all!

zippiknits...sometimes said...

I'm sure that coffee cup would end up being an accidental dye pot and I would make very wicked comments about it all day, too. Nooooo thanks!

Ooooo martinis? They leave no mark. That would be good! Well, maybe the olive does... and, Drunken spinnings are novelty yarns but could you successfully ply while drinking marinis at the wheel? *wonders*