Beautiful, isn`t it? Not! The whole house is encased in this, three floors high. It`s like being inside a cage, especially when you practically have to tunnel through to reach the front or back door. And how much work has been done so far?
Yup, zero. We`ve got the scaffolding, but no actual work as yet. On Site meeting tomorrow though. Wish me luck......
Hi Isobel...well, at least they've done that much...I think!
What are the doing to the house? Sorry I must have missed that part...
You'll have to find something artistic to do with the "grid work" outside the windows!
how long has the scaffolding been up -- so long that it is really odd that they haven't begun or just long enough to bug you. :D
They're probably building up to it slowly with a series of progressively shorter tea breaks. Either that or they're finishing off another job. That's the standard excuse isn't it?
Your street doesn't look at all like I imagined. In my head it was like one of the busy terraced streets in Newcastle.
Oh my I do feel for you been there done that . It is so frustraing isn't it ? We had scafolding up from the Oct through to Feb once
Good luck with it :)
Hope you get a start to the work soon. I must admit when I was up on Friday I thought it would get a bit claustrophobic after a while! Fingers crossed that it will start soon. But of course the weather had just turned bad with lots of heavy rain!!!!! Sods law!
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