Thursday, December 13, 2007


Hand-dyed 100% wool fibre from Mo-Bair, SECC Glasgow, 2006.

Spun on my Mazurka, Navaho plied to preserve the colour runs.

I did try to add in some extra texture during the spinning and plying, with varying degrees of success.

Pretty, isn't it?

Pattern is the One Row Handspun Scarf, from Yarn Harlot.

But really, it's all about the colours, which I can take no credit for. Aren't they fabulous!


KSee said...

Pretty, yes...beautiful! I give you all the credit

yvette said...

oooh, so pretty, I bought some Mo-bear yarn last year and it is beautiful. I might need to buy some of her fibre after the holidays.

TutleyMutley said...

Fabulous, yes. mouthwateringly lovely.

WHat exactly IS Navajo plying? I've seen so many folk mention it on Ravelry (and pronounced it very hard to master).


It's more than pretty it's blinking gorgeous. Seasons Greetings to you and yours. Helen x

Flavaknits said...

Beautiful! I wish Mo-Bair had come back in Oct 2007 , as I lost the card I had and wanted to buy more of her handspun. The scarf is going to be a classic!