Friday, January 18, 2008

Still time.

Still time to enter bloggiversay contest, folks. Entries close at midnight GMT.

Not much to report this week on the crafty front. I am feeling a bit icky and achy, and suspect I may be about go down with whatever the current winter lurgy is. Not before this time tomorrow though I hope....I'm off to the Edinburgh Guild of Weavers, Dyers & Spinners, to take part in a crochet workshop. (Which is not weaving, dyeing or spinning, but who am I to quibble?)It's being run by Carol Meldrum, so I hope I don't make an absolute prat of myself! I haven't crocheted anything more than a border or two since...err...1978? So I bought a book (coincidentally, one of Ms Meldrum's that was on 75% discount at Jenner's sale last week and have been practicing. I remember how to make the stitches perfectly well, but it's what they're all called that I've forgotton. I don't want her to say "Now make a base chain of 20 stitches then go back making a treble stitch in each one to make a foundation row" or something like that, and me have to surreptitiously have to look this up in the book under the table.

I'm just not used to being the bemused beginner at the end of the table, you see! However in the two years I've been a member of the Guild I've somewhat accidentally taken part in needlefelting, wet felting, basketweaving and dyeing workshops, so a crochet workshop is just one new experience. Actually, I'm looking forwards to it. It's good to stretch your brain a little, no?

Results for the contest will be announced on Sunday, I hope. I've got to go and track all the Kid Classic in my stash down first!


BabyLongLegs said...

*laughing* at the thought of you with a book on your lap under the table :) I know whet you mean about feeling like a beginner at something though...

I hope you have lots and lots and lots of fun :)

Sarah xXx

Yvonne said...

Sounds like a good day out Carol is very easy to get on with and makes learning a pleasure - will look forward to hearing about the day later