

There should also have been a picture of the final result, but unfortunately soup made with both curly kale and red lentils in it goes an unfortunate shade of greeny-gray so I have not bothered to take a picture. Tastes good though!
The allotment looks pretty grim at the moment, doesn't it? Actually it's not too bad for mid Feburary, apart from the seasonal aura of weedy and decaying dankness that hangs over it. The ground was soft enough on Sunday for me to plant up one bed with three varieties of garlic and some Grisette shallots, and half of another bed with Aquadulce Claudia broad beans, which are a variety that can withstand a lot of frost. I also picked up my seed potatoes and will put them in trays to chit sometime this week. I have International Kidney, Charlotte, Pink Fir Apple and Desiree for this year. It's still early days in the allotment just now but in another six weeks or so the planting season will be in full swing and the weeds will be growing like crazy. Must finish getting the beds prepped up before then!
Liesl (Ravelry link)is going well, apart from one mistake I had to frog back four rows for and another mistake so far back I've decided to ignore it. You'd really have to be looking to see it anyway. I'm enjoying knitting it, but I'm now wishing it had a couple of rows of garter stitch at the start of the neckline to make it look more finished. I may do the sugggested crochet edge instead, despite being a bit phobic about crochet.(Can do it but....) I'm definately enjoying the colour runs of the Noro Kureyon though. I can report with hand on heart that in the three balls I have used so far I have not found a single knot, piece of vegetation or lumpy/thready section. Plus I have been able to spit-splice straight onto the start of the next (carefully chosen) ball and keep the colour continuity going. I know some folk hate Noro but I don't seem to get many problems with it, really.

I love how the colour changes are lining up with the ridges, and repeats in the pattern! Looks very clever!
"Pretty grim"??? The allotment looks the very picture of springtime, and the sinkful of vegetables simply amazing. Why can't I grow parsnips and kale like that?
Allotment looks great, far tidier than ours! And doesn't soup taste better when you've grafted for the veg, and theres a bit if dirt on them?!
I'm with Katie, loving how the colour changes line up with the ridges. Soup also looks delicious.
Liesl is looking lovely. I like Noro too, especially all the twigs and so on.
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