Saturday, February 27, 2010

Olympic Liesl #2.

Liesl. Finished and blocking. Used almost exactly seven balls of Noro Kureyon 157 for a size 46". Yarn obtained from the York p/hop Yarn Swap.

Modifications.....left out purl ridges in main body and sleeves, added four rows of reverse stocking stitch to neckline, used a purl cast off at sleeves and lower body to give a rolled edge finish. No buttons. I'll never wear it buttoned up so I'm not going to rush off to look for buttons. If some come along one day, that's fine.

I enjoyed knitting this. I've never knitted an entire adult sized garment in two weeks before and I've always struggled a bit with lacy stitch pattens. This was such a nicely written pattern though that I got past my mental block about actually having to count while knitting. I'm very happy with it.


Metropolitan Rebecca said...

Congratulations! (And I'm the first one to say it!) Your Liesl looks gorgeous.

Raveller said...

It does look very nice. And you really pulled the neckline in well. Enjoy wearing it.

Rosie said...

It looks so bright and cosy! did the sleeves block a bit wider, like you hoped? I must admit to having tree trunks (albeit strangely wobly ones)for upper arms, so found your info and suggestions re the sleeves on the last post very helpful.

Kocurek said...

Isabella, Liesl is very nice.
Beautiful colors, I love Noro for their wonderful color.

I'm twisted miles of yarn:))


Linda said...

Thats lovely!

zippiknits...sometimes said...

It's great looking. lovely. Is it for you? I can see you layering a black silk turtleneck with this over it like a jewel.