See this wheel....

What did I say about it?
You think Hubby would go for a fifth wheel? Nope, I agree, he won`t. And I can`t justify £140 even for a work of modern art...can I??????????
So when I came back from the Haddington Spinners Open Day and in the course of a general conversation I say "Did you look at my blog? Did you see that gorgeous wheel?" I didn`t really expect him to say "Yes, it`s on its way."
You could have knocked me down with the proverbial feather. He`d just decided to buy it for me. He thinks it`s stylish as well. Really!
Wish mine would surprise me like that!!!!!!!!!!.......No chance of that.
wow. i think that the next time you go away for the weekend you must defnitely get home in time for him to get to the pub. dare I say he deserves a trip or two to the pub for that one? is it your birthday? it must feel like it!
It really is a thing of beauty, and you just can't have too many of such things around and about your studio. Hooray for your DH!
ooh I'm looking for one of those (to add to the two wheels I have already (sigh))!
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