Sunday, March 26, 2006

Huw the Egg.

Duncan won third prize in his class "Decorate an Egg" contest.

His entry again...

(For these who have asked...the actual egg is under the white yarn. The head and limbs are needlefelted balls of scrap fibre.)

Was he pleased with third prize? No he was not. Firstly he wanted to get his hands on one of the big chocolate eggs that were first and second prize, but also he was most indignant about the winning entry. Apparently it was also a sheep made from yarn glued to an egg but...get this...he says it was shop bought acrylic yarn. He could tell the difference, he said, and he thought the judges were very stupid not to have realised his sheep egg was made from real fleece.

I may buy the boy a chocolate egg just for that.


Alison said...

boo hiss to the judges, and yes, buy that boy an egg!

Barbara from Nova Scotia said...

Smart boy. I must agree with him. Judges without brains!

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Yes BOOO for the judges. How could they fail to see the importance of the REAL Enchilada!?

He has a chocolate egg coming. A nice big one!

Spinningfishwife said...

I`ve got a chocolate egg for him, yup. I think he desreves the encouragement. I`ve got to wait until the nursery have their egg competition though...see if Missus wins anything.
(She made a mermaid egg, btw...I think...)

Amie said...

Oh, heck, I missed this entry before but yes indeed lousy judges and wonderful son and I almost want to send you a pound myself so the chocolate gets a bit bigger for him...

celia said...

Oh that is so gorgeous. I'd get him a chocolate egg just for knowing there is a difference between acrylic and wool! What a clever boy!

Mamma said...

That is the sweetest thing. I want to send him chocolate, the smart little guy. I love his sheep.