It`s a bit late to be posting pix of everything I bought at
SkipNorth I know, but I just got round to sorting it all out and I want to keep pix as much for my own reference as anyone elses. So apologies if this is boring...but also feel free to admire. I had huge fun shopping on this trip....but not enough time. If I`d had more time, who knows what unseen exotic delights I might have unearthed.
Anyway, in strict chronological order....
Coldspring Mill...two 1000g cones of 100% cotton DK, plus one cone lame wrapped round a core thread. (For knitting chain mail for fairies.)

The Skep....
200g of mixed colours of dyed silk handkies and roving. Lovely colours and only
£5.00 per 100g. What can you say!

200g of space dyed pure wool and a huge hank of slippy (viscose?) chainette in gold colours. Not a clue what I`m going to do with this but the spaced dyed stuff was in every yarn shop we went to and I think almost all the group bought at least one skein.

One metre of craft fabric. I`m going to make a needle roll from this. Yes, it`s a Christmas print but I loved it anyway.

At the
Bombay Stores I came away with a head full of exotic colour dazzle and some beads for stitch markers. The silver shell sequins are for something for Mairi. She likes mermaids.

From the
Knitting and Crochet Guild 1p-per-gram Yarn Mountain, two packs of Rowan Linen Print, three packs of the new Rowan Glimmer and sundry other Rowan. (Including the last surviving skein of Summer Tweed.)

And that was just the first day of shopping. The next day we went to Wingham Wool Works.
Serious shopping!
An assortment of dyed merino roving, from a shed that held nothing but dyed rovings in (I think) 42 different colours. It was like being inside a paintbox....

Blue striped silk and merino roving, yellow striped (like a University scarf!) merino roving and some pinky carded silk/wool mix. This came from the "blends" shed....another paintbox. There was so much to choose from in here I was temporarily blinded.

Space dyed silk roving in fire colours, some silkworm cocoons (for Duncan) and a silk brick. The last is just compacted mulberry silk roving, but I always liked the name "silk brick", so I had to have one!

100g bag of Cashgora tops.(Cashgora is from Mohair/Cashmere cross goats).....

Lots of Wingham`s little 50p sample bags.....

Blue Faced Leicester, Cheviot and Wensleydale tops. Wingham has a lot of British breed single fibre tops and it`s fun to try something new.

Lots of little bags of Angelina fibre, lame threads, dyed neps and such. For fun and to try some more of
Nic`s alternative spinning.

A wool porn book (with pictures of glossy sheep showing off their fleece and just begging to be spun), a nostepinne and three totally gorgeous Surina crochet hooks at a bargain price of around £2.60 each. I don`t do much crochet but these were so tempting I couldn`t resist. I was told by one of our resident crochet experts that they were at least as good if not better than the comparable Brittany ones as the hook end was a better shape. The turned end isn`t quite as elaborate...but they are a lot cheaper.

And finally three skeins of recycled sari silk, because I love the stuff. Winghams are the cheapest I`ve found for this quality as well. (4p per gram.) Gorgeous colours. I love the colours you get in dyed silks.

Ok, I`m knackered just looking at it all. I thought I showed quite a bit of restraint though....I could have easily bought twice as much!