Saturday, February 11, 2006

Rotational Theory.

I have this theory that nothing in this universe really gets destroyed, it just changes places every so often using gates that shift objects through the space-time continuem. Sometimes the gates get busy and clogged up, so transient objects get parked in a sort of holding bay, or bays.

These bays are known as charity shops, car-boot sales and jumble sales. Yes, every object in the universe has at one time or other done a spell in one of the above. Antique Chinese vases, Old Masters, your Gran`s silk stockings....every last one of them has been there. Of course they seldom get bought, because the warp gate moves them on pretty quickly, but every so often a sharp eyed jumble sale fanatic catches a glimpse of a rare Faberge egg or similar on a distant table, only to find it gone by the time they reach the spot.

However this theory also means that if you`re a fanatical attendee of charity shops, jumble sales and carboots, sooner or later you`ll find one of about everything you ever wanted. IF...and this is a big look hard enough. It may take several lifetimes, of course. But sometimes it works out.

Take for instance my theory that if I looked hard enough I would find a spinning wheel in a charity shop, jumble sale or carboot sale.

Oh yea of little I not one of the true belivers? I never, NEVER go past a charity shop without at least a peer through the window. But even I nearly missed this. They had it in the window sure enough, but it was being used as a sort of display unit, with clothes draped over it. I was on my way out when I saw it and it was a real "Oh WOW!", moment, belive me.

Anyway, enough of this bilge. Do you recognise the wheel? I`ll give you a has an Ashford stamp. Yes, it`s an older single treadle Ashford Country spinner.

You just have to see this flyer unit. It`s bigger than my head.

Don`t you belive me? Look at this.

Right hand side is the Ashford Country bobbin, centre is the standard Louet bobbin and left side is a bobbin from my Mazurka. This last one is probably nearest to a standard capacity bobbin. How much can you squeeze onto a standard bobbin? Two ounces? Three? The Country one holds over two pounds of yarn.

And if that isn`t enough to convince you that this is the Big Boy of spinning wheels, look at this orifice. It`s 7/8ths of an inch across. I can put my thumb up it.

Other technical details? It has a bobbin-led drive, thus Irish tension. Don`t be fooled by what looks like a Scotch tension spring and wire system in the last pix. I was for a while, then realised it brakes the flyer by running over a groove near the orifice. The newer double treadle model has a leather strap system similar to the Louet but this version works just fine.

So....I needed a fourth wheel like I need a hole in the head, but there it was. Begging me to take it away from an ignomineous end as a shop display unit. What could I say? I have my Louet and goodness knows he can spin chunky yarns, but this beast was something else. So I bought it.

(What am I going to spin on it? Well, I have a supply of Welsh Mountain fleece...lovely thick springy stuff, perfect for carpets. And what does a Country spinner spin best? Thick chunky singles for rug making or weaving.

Back to the loom, methinks.)


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Val - what a bargain! Enjoy it massively...


zippiknits...sometimes said...

What a find! And it's found a great home to be in. Amazing and wonderful and another proof of the theory that it's possible for the right person to be in the right place at the right time. Congratulations to you, Val Scott. Couldn't be happier if it were me. hehe

Amie said...


And I'm seeing a full sweater's worth of yarn on ONE bobbin......


See, you knew the universe was telling you to get another wheel, you just thought it was Delphine's cousin, when actuallly, it was Big Bertha there!


Jan said...

How wonderful! My faith in thrift shops is restored! I was just about to give up the search, but if it has happened once, it can happen again, right? I'm so happy for you

vi said...

well you know....
I loves ya and all
and I am very happy for you
but could you start finding ME some of them bargins too



Anonymous said...

Well done, Val! That wheel is a good complement to your others. It will spin what none of the others are able to spin. Carpet yarn - just perfect for it!


gourdongirl said...

You bugger,,,,I swear if you fell in the dung heap you'd come up smelling of roses....well as far as wool and things crafty are concerned!!!!!!!!

Well done you....BTW which charity shop was it?

Anonymous said...

Score! Nicely done. (I knew the price would be the final zinger.) golf applause

Nickerjac said...

Fantastic steal my favourite wheel followed by the Louet can't wait to see some yarn

Anonymous said...

um, your spinning thing is really becoming beyond obsession, wouldn't you say? x-ray vision to pick up a wheel underneath old dresses?
and i bet there's no way you're going to tell us which shop!